Renewing a Tenancy Agreement in Malaysia: Everything You Need to Know

If you are a tenant in Malaysia, there may come a time when your tenancy agreement is about to expire. It is essential to know what options you have and how to renew your lease before it ends. Renewing your tenancy agreement in Malaysia can be a simple process if you know what to do.

Here are some things you need to know when renewing a tenancy agreement in Malaysia:

1. Review Your Initial Tenancy Agreement

Before you start the renewal process, it is crucial to go through your initial tenancy agreement thoroughly. You must understand the terms and conditions that were agreed upon at the start of the lease. Knowing what was discussed in the initial agreement will make it easier to renew the lease without any misunderstandings or disagreements.

2. Communicate with Your Landlord

It is vital to communicate with your landlord about your intention to renew the tenancy agreement. Ensure that you make the request early enough, so you have enough time to discuss the terms of the new agreement. You can either write a formal letter or send an email to your landlord, requesting to renew your lease.

3. Negotiate the Terms and Conditions

After communicating with your landlord, it is crucial to negotiate the terms and conditions of the new lease. There may be some changes that you would like to make in the new tenancy agreement, such as rent reduction or a longer lease period. You should be clear about what you want and provide reasons for your request. The landlord may agree or disagree with your request, but it is essential to negotiate to find a middle ground.

4. Amend and Sign the New Tenancy Agreement

Once the terms and conditions are agreed upon by both parties, it is time to amend the old tenancy agreement and sign a new one. The new agreement should state the revised terms and conditions, including the duration of the new lease. When everything is in order, both parties should sign the new tenancy agreement and keep a copy for future reference.

5. Pay the Security Deposit and Rent

Finally, you will have to pay the security deposit and the first month`s rent for the new lease. The security deposit is usually equivalent to two months` rent, while the rent is payable monthly. Ensure that you have the funds available and pay on time to avoid any inconveniences.

In conclusion, renewing a tenancy agreement in Malaysia can be a simple process if you follow the right steps. It is essential to review your initial tenancy agreement, communicate with your landlord, negotiate the terms and conditions, amend and sign the new agreement, and pay the security deposit and rent. By doing this, you can continue living in your rental property without any issues.