8th Dziecinada Festival – day 2 (photo gallery)

25 September (Saturday) The Kluns, Awake Projects (Sweden) Eliksir mądrości / Elixir of Wisdom, Wariate Theatre Pchła Szachrajka, Zelazny Theatre Baśnie Ludów Ziemi / Tales of the Peoples of the Earth, Theatre of the Ancient Art of Storytelling Szafa Show, Sztukmistrze Foundation and The Grand Marionettes of Puppet Clinic Theatre – animations and workshops Circus Village FrikArt […]
8th Dziecinada Festival – day 1 in pictures

24 September (Friday) Awake LOVE Orchestra, Awake Projects (Sweden) Kosmiczna Podróż Guliwera / Gulliver’s Space Travels, Puppet Clinic Theatre and Virtual observations of the Solar System’s largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn with he Astronomical Institute of Wrocław University, Painting car with Motorpol Wrocław photo: Marcin Jędrzejczak
The 8th edition of the Dziecinada Festival launched!

We are back after a year-long hiatus – this year’s fully open-air edition will take place on 24-26 September. This year, we will be joined by Swedes from the Awake Projects group – their musical journey will start with melodies of Swedish folk and children’s songs, after which they will take the audience on a […]
8th edition of the Dziecinada – check the programme

Family performances, street comedies, adaptations of fairy tales and backyard shows – Dziecinada returns after a one-year break. This year’s edition will be held on September 24-26, outdoors only. The latest production of Teatr Klinika Lalek (Theatre Klinika Lalek), guests from Czechia and Sweden, circus workshops for young and the old – Culture Zone Wrocław […]
8th Dziecinada Festival cancelled. See You next year

Dear friends and fans – big and small – of Dziecinada, we’re sad to inform you, that this year’s edition of the festival will not be happening. Until the very last minute we believed, that we’d be able to overcome all the obstacles resulting from the restrictions applicable to hosting cultural events, and meet all […]
We now know the first guests of the “Dziecinada” festival

The event will include foreign guests, stories with a lesson behind them, and circus performances. Most importantly there will be a lot of fun – which the International Festival of Children’s Theatre “Dziecinada” has been providing for eight years now. This time around however the event will take place outdoors. The programme includes rich theatrical […]
We invite you to join us in October at the next edition of the “Dziecinada” festival

8th edition of the “Dziecinada” International Festival of Children’s Theatre will be happening entirely outdoors. “Dziecinada” is the only International Festival of Children’s Theatre in Lower Silesia that is directed to children, their guardians, and whole families. The event presents a unique opportunity to develop creativity and foster open-mindedness in social life by participating in […]