The 10th „Dziecinada” festival is behind us – watch the aftermovie
For the tenth time, the Wrocław Culture Zone and the Klinika Lalek Theater / The Foundation for the Support of Alternative and Ecological Cultures organized
For the tenth time, the Wrocław Culture Zone and the Klinika Lalek Theater / The Foundation for the Support of Alternative and Ecological Cultures organized
The Foundation for the Support of Alternative and Ecological Cultures / Klinika Lalek Theatre and Culture Zone Wrocław invite you to Wrocław for four days
The jubilee edition of the „Dziecinada”International Children’s Festival will commence on 28 September, and it will include a whole day of theatrical events and outdoor
The jubilee „Dziecinada” International Festival of Children’s Theatre returns to Wrocław in autumn with performances and attractions – also in several spaces that are new